

Online self service

Let us know you're moving

If you're a brand new customer to Welsh Water then you can use this service to create an account.


If you're already a customer then you'll need to login or register to your online account in order to complete this process.


You can let us know up to 2 days in advance of becoming responsible, or when you are no longer responsible, for the bill.

This form is also available in Welsh.

What you'll need:

  • Move date You can let us know up to two days in advance of your move
  • Meter reading If known
  • Forwarding address We’ll need a forwarding address to send a final bill to. If you do not have a forwarding address, you will need to contact us.
  • Landlord/Letting Agent details If applicable, you will need your landlord/letting agent details for the property you are moving in to.